Need a website? Or does your existing website need some updating? Here are a few things to consider before you choosing a website developer:

In the early days of website development developers only had to be concerned with how a web page looked on a desktop or laptop screen. Now they have to take into consideration the smaller screens of smart phones and tablets.

Today the hardest part of having a website is finding a catchy domain name that has not already been registered. While .com is the most popular domain extension for personal or business use, it is far from the only option.

When considering a domain name there are a number of the possible domain extensions available. The right fit will depend on the organizations’ structure. .com may not be the right fit.

While .net was reserved for a company’s Intranet, used for orientation, signing up for company insurance or their 401k plan etc, it is now accepted as an alternative to .com. The extension .org is generally used by churches and non-profits, and .edu for accredited educational institutions. There are so many other extensions that entire blog posts have been dedicated to the explanations of their intended uses.

A Few Of The Domain Extensions Available

A website should load quickly and look similar on all available web browsers and devices.

We’re busy, so websites should be more like a resume’ than a CV as they only have a couple minutes to grab a potential customer’s attention. A responsive website can be key. The website development market has plenty of options, make sure your website developer understands your vision.